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Chinese translation for "holding attack"


Related Translations:
attack:  vt.1.攻击 (opp. defend)。2.非难,抨击。3.着手,动手,投入。4.(疾病)侵袭。5.【化学】腐蚀。短语和例子We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counter- attack。 人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。 attac
attack dog:  攻击犬(帮助警察或士兵执行任务或防范窃贼等〕。
heart attack:  心力衰竭,心脏病发作。
banzai attack:  [charge] 敢死队的进攻[冲锋]。
air attack:  空中攻击,空袭。
aerial attack:  空袭。
pack attack:  (城市中顽劣青少年的)成群袭击行为〔三五成群游荡街头寻找袭击对象〕。
false attack:  【军事】佯攻。
attack ad:  攻击对手的竞选广告。
mass attack:  【军事】集中攻击。
Example Sentences:
1.Third , it had kept the city for too long a time and not held attack opportunities in time
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